Department ofGermanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures

Sarah M. Henneböhl

Sarah M. Henneböhl

Associate Teaching Professor of German
German Language Coordinator

238 Burrowes Building


Ph.D. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Magistra Artium, Universität Konstanz, Germany
Sarah M. Henneböhl Headshot


I earned my Master’s degree in English and American Literature, German Literature and Philosophy from the University of Constance, Germany, and my PhD from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. My research interests include twentieth and twenty-first century German literature – women writers in particular, postcolonial studies, and critical whiteness studies. I am currently working on a book-length manuscript Weiße Weiblichkeiten: Afrika, deutschsprachige Schriftstellerinnen und ihre (post-)koloniale Verortung von Geschlecht.

My research interests and my strong belief that it is important to teach German culture as a diverse culture inform my course design. I invite my students to critically reflect on German culture and their own native culture(s) by challenging their belief systems and expanding their abilities to examine a topic critically and from multiple perspectives. I consider my commitment to my students the central drive behind my teaching, and I honor it – and will continue to do so – through a critical reflection of my own teaching practices, and a curiosity towards new course topics.


Office Hours

Spring 2025: Mondays, 3:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m., and by appointment (students may choose to meet virtually via ZOOM)


Recent Courses

  • GER 511: The Teaching of College German
  • FR 581: Theories and Techniques of Teaching French
  • PHIL 589:Philosophical Translation Seminar (German)
  • GER 420: Genre (“Black German History & Writing”)
  • GER 408: Advanced Business German
  • GER 401Y: Advanced German Writing
  • GER 310: Introduction to the Study of German Literature
  • GER 302W: Intermediate Writing and Grammar
  • GER 301: Intermediate Speaking and Listening
  • GER 190: Twentieth-Century German Literature in English Translation (“Narratives of Injustice”)
  • GER 3: Intermediate German (World Campus)
  • GER 2: Elementary German II (World Campus)
  • GER 1: Elementary German I (World Campus)
  • GER 1: Elementary German I (in-person)