Deborah Adeyeye
253 Burrowes Building

Deborah Adeyeye is a first year Ph.D. student in German Linguistics and Language Science. She earned her Bachelorโs degree in German from University of Ibadan and a Masterโs degree from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. Her masterโs thesis was written on โ Eine vergleichende Analyse der komplexen Verben im Deutschen und in Yorรนbรก. Her study revealed composite nature of the verb-forms in both languages coupled with their morphosyntactic traits hence instantiating areas of learning difficulties for Yorรนbรก learners of German and German learners of Yorรนbรก languages pedagogically.
Prior to joining Pennsylvania State University, Deborah taught German at University of Benin from 2014-2022. She also participated in several trainings at the Goethe-Instut, Nigeria. She got the DAAD scholarship to attend German language summer course at IIK Dรผsseldorf, Germany in 2010, she also got the Goethe-Institut Scholarship for German Language teachers from Africa at Goethe-Institut, Gรถttingen in 2017. In 2019 and 2015, she benefitted from Pรคdagogischer Ausstauch Dienst (PAD) scholarship for a Teaching Practice Training at Willy-Hellpach- Schule, Heidelberg and Gesamtschule Schuldorf Bergstraรe, Hessen, Germany respectively.
Her research interests include German morphosyntax, Language Teaching, Cognitive Linguistics and Bilingualism.