Alison Eisel Hendricks

Alison Eisel Hendricks completed her PhD in 2014 and is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Communicative Disorders and Sciences at the University at Buffalo. Prior to her current position she was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of South Carolina. Dr. Hendricks’ directs the UB Language Learning Lab (BuffaLLLo) which conducts research on language acquisition in school-age children with and without language impairments such as Developmental Language Disorder. Dr. Hendricks’ research focuses on how children learn language from the input they hear, with a particular focus on how children who are exposed to different quantities and types of input acquire language. One line of research focuses on how bilingual children with language impairments acquire language. A second line of research focuses on acquisition of morphosyntax by children who hear Non-mainstream American English dialects, such as African American English. The goal of this research is to better understand the underlying process of language acquisition as well as to improve the identification of Developmental Language Disorder in children who speak Non-mainstream dialects.